
4th quarter it is!!!!

       It is really challenging to finish the way. Last quarter of being a grade 10 student is somehow hard because of the time limits in accomplishing such tasks. I learned a lot the whole year. the considers of our teachers are really helpful.      On the subject of ICT, I learned and earned a lot of knowledge. From blogging to creating webpages to the use of HTML tags. This quarter, I had such a minimal problem in terms of time management but I overcome it by the help of my other classmates in making my modules. i somehow cant understand few topics but big thanks to them for helping me.          My Grade 10 journey will end and im so grateful to be part of the Grade 10-Marconi Class. Moreover, i will use these knowledge for my future tasks and studies.  ref:

what is Independence Day to Filipinos?

 Filipino Independence Day is an authority public occasion in the Philippines, praising the country's freedom from Spain. In Filipino, it's called Araw ng Kalayaan, which signifies "Day of Freedom". Freedom day festivities start right off the bat in the Philippines. During May, banners and different embellishments are brought across the Philippines up to pay tribute to the forthcoming commemoration. Shops and different organizations will likewise begin 'Araw ng Kalayaan' advancements to scrounge up deals and eagerness for the festivals.  On June twelfth, notwithstanding, merriments base on the public procession in Manila.  With schools, banks and government workplaces shut, the parade in the capital will highlight President Rodrigo Duterte. The Police and the military will join the President and supervise the authority discourse, 21-firearm salute and light show. Families and friends take advantage of this day off from work and school to enjoy quality time tog

Women's Month

  Women particularly have been the reason why someone continues to fight and fight, or so they essentially thought. P eople who became doctors, teachers, pilots and even presidents  came from them,  which definitely is fairly significant. They specifically are the mothers in a basically big way. They for the most part are sisters.  They particularly are a citizen . This month, we actually are celebrating women’s month to commemorate the bravery, courage, skills and sacrifices of women, so they mostly are the mothers in a subtle way. This celebration includes online rites, seminars, webinars and trivias  that shows we essentially are celebrating women’s month to commemorate the bravery, courage, skills and sacrifices of women . Today’s women’s month celebration for the most part highlights the spot of women being a women in this time of pandemic in a sort of major way. There are still basically many who work actually hard and particularly persevere to particularly provide service and lo


  Coronavirus incited far and wide terminations of schools and colleges across the Philippines. While the grown-ups manage the most exceedingly terrible of this emergency, the kids stay at home. That is the way it should be. Be that as it may, online classes do not give everybody the alternative to remain at home. Not all youngsters are honored with learning materials and hardware. Others are among the terrible families where their folks are jobless where they have no wellspring of day by day expenses including the web for online classes and tolls for getting modules. Numerous youngsters likewise decide not to proceed with their schooling since they don't care for on the web or secluded classes or they don't have cash for it. Nonetheless, DEPED makes moves and approaches to improve the learning of the larger part. They are as yet promising to proceed with the class of youngsters since they accept that the adolescent will make individuals up.    Numerous individuals need to be i


       Here I am again still striving and aiming the best for me. I learned a lot of things including the improvement of my writing skills through blogging.   I have learned many lessons including the community-based projects, sitemaps and more. It is not that hard anymore because we have different social media platforms that we can use in searching and finding solutions and formations for our lessons. This serves as my guide for my next step in life.        This quarter passed smoothly because of the advancement in technology . I encountered some minorities but it didn’t stopped me in making my tasks and activities. Generally, I finished this quarter with such confidence and comfort.   Moving on, I will do my very best next quarter.


      The “Araw ng Kagitingan,” too known as the “Day of Valor,” could be an open occasion  within the Philippines that marks the significance of Filipino warriors amid st World War II. The inspection is carried out on April 9th each year. This uncommon day commemorates the passing of a thousand Filipinos. And  it too recalls the bravery of those who battled for the nation.        When the Japanese renewed their offensive on 3 April 1942 with fresh troops supported by heavy artillery, tanks, and air attack, the American survivors on the Bataan Peninsula were so weakened by disease and starvation that they were unable to offer any effective resistance. From the comfort and safety of his new headquarters in Australia, and with no concern for the severely weakened physical condition of his abandoned troops and their critical shortage of military supplies, MacArthur ordered a general counterattack against the Japanese. The commanding officer on Luzon, Major General Edward King, ignore


Lenten may be a 40-day period which comes some time recently Easter Sunday within the Christian calendar. Starting on Fiery debris Wednesday, the Lenten season may be a time for reflection, supplication, and atonement. It is stamped by fasting from both nourishment and merriments. And it closes on Easter, where the restoration of Jesus Christ is celebrated. Lenten season is celebrated here in Vigan City by having mass and offerings. Many biguenos kept in their home and watched online mass as a remedy on going to the church following the Pandemic’s protocol. A couple of occasions are still held physically but with as it were a constrained number of participants. In spite of these contrasts and challenges, the Lenten Season passed on easily. We don’t have a choice but to follow the orders because it is only for our own sake and security.  "During  Lent , let us find concrete ways to overcome our indifference."